Thursday, September 25, 2008

The class !!

Today while sitting in the class,
boring as it was i began to dream.
thought abt the girl sitting next to me .
Wasn't she the one i used to see.
But now she is girl friend of my friend
perhaps she is just keeping with the trend

Suddenly the teacher asked sth about the artificial variables .
I thought is love also transferable..
But that was a one sided affair
The girl never knew i am under her impression

so forget the past , and think about future
but future is so dreadful
surrounded by the darkness ,I stand in between
look for the silver lightening that great man always talk about

Why i m not able to see it
perhaps only great men possess the right to see it
Am i not the great men ?

But were not all the great men like me once ?
always living in their dreams they are so fond of
and working for them with great furore
come what may always ready to go

But then what happened Why i stopped ?
I have to keep walking to reach the goal
keep walking until i reach there & declare d victorious .

Victory which will end my pursuit of happyness
and will give me the moment i will die for
or as Lombardi said my finest hour

Perhaps i m not seeing right
for there must be some light
i must look hard..

But then the class ended
and my thoughts interrupted

As I came out of the class and looked towards the sky
I found it full of dark clouds !!
Then the lightening struck and it started pouring.
As i stood there soaked in the rain
I decided to move forward and to throw away those gloomy thoughts
For now i see the light .

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